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How Long Do I Have to Live in an Owner Occupied Loan Property?

Owner-occupied loan properties exist as an attractive option for real estate investors who are willing or able to settle down in a specific area for a given period of time. Owner-occupied loans can be attractive options for investors especially because it gives certain benefits not available to other loan borrowers. Benefits may include effective property […]

12 Undeniable Benefits to an Owner Occupied Loan

Owner-occupied loans are granted to borrowers under the stipulation that the person resides in that property. Under the guidelines of an owner-occupied loan, a borrower agrees to stay at the property for a year, move in within a month of closing, and reside there for at least 70% of the time at the property. Vacations […]

7 Ways Hard Money Loans Can Help You Reach Financial Goals

We know that hard money loans are some of the quickest, easiest ways to raise capital when looking to expand your investment portfolio. The speedy, unencumbered loan process makes it one of the most attractive ways to invest in real estate and frees up cash flow for borrowers to use money as they see fit. […]

The 6 Biggest Mistakes Hard Money Investors Make

Hard money loans are a great option for people looking to flip a property, expand their investment portfolio quickly through real estate and grow a business. They are also accessible to people who may have less than ideal credit history or who just haven’t been in the game long enough to secure a traditional loan […]

How to Make the Most of a Hard Money Loan

Being approved for a hard money loan is an exciting opportunity. By now you probably know how you plan on using the money, and if not, you have plenty of options from business costs to real estate investing. But once you have a hard money loan, you want to make sure you are maximizing its […]

Old Loan, New Ways to Invest

So you landed a Hard Money Loan. Great! Chances are, you have recognized hard money loans as a quick way to invest in property. By eschewing normal hurdles to get a loan from a bank – lengthy approval process, background checks, etc .- you have opened yourself up to greater investments and further real estate. […]

Cashflow & Credit: 8 Concrete Private Money Loan Benefits

Benefits of using private money loans the right way   Hard money loans are an often overlooked method to funding your first or next investment. Since they’re backed by collateral, hard money loans are usually backed by the properties they are funding, instead of credit or financial history.   How to use hard money the […]

I Just Landed a Hard Money Loan

Being approved for a hard money loan can open up a world of business growth and investment opportunity especially given hard money’s key advantage: speed. While traditional loans can take months to get approval, hard money can be acquitted and put to use quickly–even in as little as a week. With that in mind, here’s […]

How Does a Hard Money Loan Work?

Hard money loans are a quick, easy way to raise capital when looking to invest in a property. Unlike other loans, which take your financial trustworthiness into account, hard money – or private loans- rely on property collateral, rather than creditworthiness. Hard money loans are great ways to free up cash flow for investment properties […]

How to Get Approved for a Hard Money Loan

When deliberating on whether to provide a hard money loan to borrowers, investors look for a series of factors that make it worth the investment. These factors range from the borrower’s Loan to Value ratio (LTV), collateral, and all the way to their credit score. Each factor is important to keep in mind in order […]

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